Here’s where you can find me spreading the word about good nutrition. My experience in media and speaking engagements has made me a leader in communicating nutrition to the public.
If you would like to collaborate on a project or speaking event, please fill out my contact form and I will get back with you.
Writer and Contributor, Quality Team Editor and Developmental Editor
Media Mentions
Speaking and Education
Youth Sports
Since 2016, I have been providing nutrition education to youth age-group swimming. I stress the importance of overall in-season healthy nutrition and what that looks like on an athlete’s plate. I cover hydration, supplement safety, and ensure parents are available to ask questions for their swimmers.

K-6 Nutrition Education
Easy nutrition concepts are perfect for little minds to grasp – eating fruits and vegetables, hunger regulation, and making food fun is perfect for K-3. Reading food labels, calculating added sugar, and building a healthy plate is the focus for grades 4-6.

Speaking Engagements
With topics ranging from Eating for a Lifetime to Nutrition Trends, there isn’t a nutrition topic I won’t tackle. If you have an event coming up, I’d love to spread the word about healthy eating for every lifestyle.