Every year, we try and find new and creative lunch ideas and this is one that was given a big thumbs up with my kiddos.
They will certainly eat sandwiches for lunch, but sandwiches for 8 months gets a little old, so we try and switch things up. This lunch was so easy. The pancakes are 5 ingredients and they take 5 minutes to combine and cook.
This lunch is because my kids love breakfast at all times of day. Here are the elements that make this breakfast a win!
- Oatmeal: This gets their whole grain at lunch. Nope, I didn’t make it from scratch. We use the lower sugar packets. It has 4 grams of added sugar, which is 1 teaspoon. The American Heart Association recommends no more than 6 teaspoons/day of added sugar for kids.
- Sausage Patty: Healthy? Not exactly, but they love it and it fills them up. My kids are pretty active and they need protein and calories, especially at lunch.
- Fruit: Choose seasonal fruit for best flavor. We are lucky that we still have delicious strawberries right now, but I’m sure that won’t last long. Apples, oranges, plums, and blueberries also travel well too.
- Pancakes: Your recipe for that is below – egg, whole wheat flour, banana, vanilla, and maple syrup …delicious!
- If you have milk you can pack, that would be awesome, or 100% fruit juice. I usually pack water, so that works too.
- Optional Packing: If you have big kids and you need to pack more, here are some options. Cook two packets of oatmeal, additional fruit, yogurt, hardboiled eggs.
Tips for this breakfast:
- Use a thermos for the oatmeal and pack the sausage patty right on top
- The maple syrup is baked in the pancakes, so no need to pack extra (syrup in a lunchbox would be a nightmare)

5 Ingredient – 5 Minute Pancakes: Lunch Ideas
1 medium banana
1 large egg
1/4 cup whole wheat flour
1 tablespoon maple syrup
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Smash banana in a mixing bowl and then mix in remaining ingredients until just combined.
In a large non-stick skillet over medium heat, spray with non-stick cooking spray.
Spoon 2 tablespoon scoops onto the skillet and cook until the pancakes loose their sheen and look almost cooked through, about 2 minutes and then flip and cook for another 30 seconds to 1 minute. They should be golden brown when flipped.
Can be eaten warm or cold.